Thursday, December 8, 2011

October-November 2011

This is one of three posts I did today, re-capping some of our events of the year.

Our try at some pictures of the kids.

Paige with her 'after bath' hair.

Brock is a very hands-on big brother. He is the one who loves to always be close to little Paige.

Ready for Trick-or-Treating. Paige was not happy about being a pumpkin, or maybe she was just really tired.

We had our first overnight in a hotel with four kids when Paige was 7 weeks old. Claire had a cheer competition in southern Indiana. In the photo she is the highest one, just the way she likes it. It was a fun but exhausting weekend!

Fun fall photos on way home from southern Indiana.

One of Paige's first smiles.

Again with the hands-on big brother.


August-September 2011

We had some 'waiting on baby' photos done in August. Our friend Carrie from church does a great job.

Pre-School Graduation. The graduates were so proud!!

Brock and Hope's first day of real pre-school. Brock thought real pre-school was easy compared to Claire's, and Hope really liked Claire's better. They both have adjusted though and are having lots of fun now.

Paige arrived on September 17th at 8:27 CST. She was 8 pounds 2 ounces and 21 1/4 inches long.

First family of 6 photo.

More photos by Carrie. Paige was 2 weeks old.

May-July 2011

Claire had a bowling party this year for her 10th birthday in May.

Brock celebrated turning 5 in June with a Toy Story party.

Claire trying to lead her stubborn calf 'Marshmellow'. It took quite a bit of 4-wheeler encouragement for him to be ready for the fair. Our new camper is in the background. Should be years of fun!!

Campout with cousins at Raccoon Lake.

Brock was the ring bearer in Shelly's cousin's wedding in July. He was such a handsome little man.

This is Claire's pre-school class for the summer. They all had such a great time! L to R: Kidest, Brock, Toby, and Hope.

Fun at Grandma and Grandpa's Lake House!!

Hurley Lake Day!

Brock was in the pedal tractor pull at the county fair and won 2nd place. The boy that won was a fourth grader so he was pretty excited and won some cool prizes.

Claire showing one of her steers. She loves her cattle!

One of the many rides on 'Super Mable', Grandpa's fun lake toy.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Break!

We decided to take a Spring Break trip to Tennessee this year. Thankfully, the Lord was planning ahead for us. By chance my mom also had the week off work and no grandkids to watch for the week, so we invited her to go with us. The morning after we arrived Mark came down with a bad case of the flu. He couldn't get out of bed for two days. Without Mom I'm not sure that I would have felt comfortable taking three kids out and about all day. Despite Mark's illness we had a great time, and by Friday night he was even able to join us at the Dixie Stampede. We stayed in a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom condo. In one of the bathrooms was this gigantic jetted tub. Even though the place had an indoor pool, the kids loved to play in the tub as well.
Friday evening we took in the show at the Dixie Stampede. We couldn't take pictures during the dinner/show, but got a few before and after. If you've never been to a show at the Dixie Stampede we highly recommend it! The kids loved it!

Brock and Hope playing at the Wonder Works museum.
The aquarium in Gatlinburg is also awesome!!

Here are just a couple photos from the AWANA Grand Prix (a few days before we left on vacation). Claire and Mark made 'Pink Panther'. I'm not sure who was more proud when he placed 3rd, but I'm pretty sure it was Mark.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The last few months in pictures

After Claire's tumbling recital with her flowers. Claire, Brock, and our neighbor Hannah built an igloo. At the end Mark got involved and put a tarp over the top and christmas lights inside for the coolest igloo in Jasper County.
Claire and Hannah eating supper in their igloo.
Hope and Angel playing in the snow.
Getting in the Christmas Spirit

Christmas morning
New Year's Eve! The Sharp and Hurley kids. L to R : Charlie, Hope, Brock, Libby, Claire, Addie
Hope turned 3 at the end of January. She requested a puppy and kitty cake.