Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!

What a week! We started our Christmas break with the ice storm that put us out of power for about 4 days. After spending two nights at PaPa and Grandma Schuh's house, we were finally able to come home to tractor generated power. We had a great Christmas and Santa was good to everyone. Here's a picture of Brock with Great Grandma Hurley. She and Grandpa celebrated their 70th!!!!! wedding anniversary on Christmas Eve. What a milestone! Brock was being so sweet sitting by Grandma and holding her arm. Here's Claire and Brock ready to go out and sprinkle reindeer food on Christmas Eve. It was freezing cold and windy, but they insisted on going out anyway. The smiles were all gone as they came back in with cold hands and Brock even managed to lose a boot. Here's the crew with the gifts that Santa brought. They each received a cool bean bag with their name embroidered on it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dance Recital

Claire had her Dance Production on Saturday at Twin Lakes High School in Monticello. She also started "Bitty Bomber" basketball that day, so it was quite a day for us all. She was soooo excited to get all dolled up and to preform on a big stage in front of everyone. She did an excellent job and we were so proud of her. We couldn't take any photos or video of the actual performance though (I think it's just a ploy to make you buy their video). Amazingly enough, both Brock and Hope were able to sit through the whole thing. I think there was enough music and dancing to keep their attention.