Well, June has been a very busy month for us. I helped oversee our church's VBS program, Brock celebrated his 3rd birthday, we went to Brown County State Park for a summer vacation, and celebrated both Father's Day and our 12 year anniversary on Sunday. We've had a great summer thus far and can't wait to see what the rest of the summer has for us.
Here's Brock with his birthday strawberry shortcake. He loves fruit of any type, but he could eat a whole bucket of strawberries by himself it we let him. I guess that's why the good Lord brought him into the world during strawberry season!!
Hope had no fear at the water park at Brown County. We had to watch her like a hawk. She absolutely loved the water and swimming every day.
Claire's favorite part of Brown County was swimming and going on a 40 min horse ride. She just made the cut-off of 8 years old to ride the trail by herself on a horse. It was a more challenging ride than she or I thought it might be. The guide took Claire and I on a very muddy, rocky, hilly ride. Luckily Claire had a great horse. However, mine wasn't the greatest and I'm just glad that I didn't come back muddy from being thrown off.
This was probably where we spent the most time. In the Abe Martin Lodge water park. It was perfect for kids of all ages!!!